Business Administration Thesis Master's Program (Turkish)

Course Plan and Course Contents

Birinci Yarıyıl K AKTS
ISL 501  Yönetim 3 7,5
ISL 502  Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği 3 7,5
   Seçmeli Ders 3 7,5
   Seçmeli Ders 3 7,5
TOPLAM 12 30
İkinci Yarıyıl K AKTS
ISL 503  Finans 3 7,5
   Seçmeli Ders 3 7,5
   Seçmeli Ders 3 7,5
ISL 580  Seminer 0 7,5
Üçüncü Yarıyıl K AKTS
ISL 590  Tez Çalışması 0 30
Dördüncü Yarıyıl K AKTS
ISL 590  Tez Çalışması 0 30
First Semester c ECTS
ISL 501  Management 3 7,5
ISL 502  Scientific Research Methods and Research and Publication Ethics 3 7,5
   Elective Course 3 7,5
   Elective Course 3 7,5
TOTAL 12 30
Second Semester C ECTS
ISL 503  Finance 3 7,5
   Elective Course 3 7,5
   Elective Course 3 7,5
ISL 580  Seminar 0 7,5
TOTAL 9 30
Third Semester C ECTS
ISL 590  Thesis Study 0 30
TOTAL 0 30
Fourth Semester C ECTS
ISL 590  Thesis Study 0 30
TOTAL 0 30
SUM TOTAL 21 120

Courses and Course Content

Compulsory Courses

ISL 501 Management (3+0)3, 7.5

The main purpose of this course is to provide students with a holistic and systematic approach and knowledge about organizations and management functions, demonstrate the impact of management and managers on organizational success, and equip students with knowledge and skills in management practices. The course covers current concepts, theories, and practices on management, leadership, management roles, and organizational functions; emphasizes the roles of a manager in decision-making, planning, organizing, executing, and controlling; and examines both the structural and behavioral aspects of management within organizations. The course is delivered with high participation, focusing on managing both socio-technical aspects of organizations, and concludes with an examination of management and organizational approaches and techniques.

ISL 502 Scientific Research Methods and Research and Publication Ethics (3+0)3, 7.5

This course focuses on scientific research methods and research and publication ethics. It first covers the fundamentals of scientific research methods, delves into the basics of research methods, and examines international ethical standards to follow during the research and publication process. Students are introduced to the ontological and epistemological classification of scientific knowledge, which reveals how theoretical approach differences shape the path to acquiring knowledge. The course also teaches qualitative and quantitative research methods in scientific research. Students will learn through practical applications, including research design, data collection and analysis, and reporting and presenting findings. Additionally, the course discusses ethical rules to be followed before, during, and after the research process, common errors made, and academic originality.

ISL 503 Finance (3+0)3, 7.5

The objective of this course is to provide students with knowledge about the functioning of financial markets and the analysis of corporate financial decisions. Upon successfully completing the course, students will have knowledge of addressing specific financial problems of organizations, forecasting exchange rates, calculating and managing exchange rate risks, capital movements, portfolio diversification, management of international working capital, and tools used in making fixed asset investment decisions for multinational companies.  

ISL 580 Seminar (3+0)0, 7.5 ​

This course involves practical applications related to thesis writing, including developing a research question, conducting a literature review, determining the research method, defining the theoretical framework, reporting findings, and conducting practical applications. The aim is to prepare students for academic research and the thesis-writing process.


Elective Courses

The elective courses are designed across four areas of specialization, allowing students to focus on an area they are interested in and wish to gain in-depth knowledge and skills. Students can specialize in one of these areas or select elective courses from various areas. All courses fall under the functional areas of business. The specialization areas are as follows:

Track-1: Entrepreneurship

Track-2: Accounting and Finance

Track-3: Data Science and Decision Making

Track-4: Leadership and Management

Birinci Dönem ISL504-Temel ve Uygulamalı Girişimcilik ISL514-Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartları
ISL505-Çağdaş Pazarlama ISL515-Maliyet Muhasebesi ve Modern Maliyet Sistemleri
ISL506- Teknoloji ve Yenilik Yönetimi ISL516-Sermaye Piyasaları ve Para ve Banka
ISL507-Örgütlerde Teknolojik Yetkinlik Geliştirme ISL517-Davranışsal İktisat
ISL508-Çağdaş Üretim Sistemleri ve Yönetimi ISL518-Blockchain ve Kripto Paralar
İkinci Dönem ISL509-Proje Yönetimi ISL519-Yatırım Projeleri ve Analizi
ISL510-Marka Yaratma ISL520-Sanayi Ekonomisi
ISL511-Modern Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi ISL521-Sigorta ve Risk Yönetimi
ISL512-Sürdürülebilir Girişimcilik ISL522-Modern İşletmelerde Denetim
ISL 513-Yenilik Yönetimi Teknikleri ISL523-Finansal Tablolar Analizi
1st Semester ISL504-Basic and Applied Entrepreneurship ISL514-International Accounting Standards
ISL505-Contemporary Marketing ISL515-Cost Accounting and Modern Cost Systems
ISL506-Technology and Innovation Management ISL516-Capital Markets, Money, and Banking
ISL507-Developing Technological Competence in Organizations ISL517-Behavioral Economics
ISL508-Contemporary Production Systems and Management ISL518-Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
2nd Semester ISL509-Project Management ISL519-Investment Projects and Analysis
ISL510-Brand Creation ISL520-Industrial Economics
ISL511-Modern Supply Chain Management ISL521-Insurance and Risk Management
ISL512-Sustainable Entrepreneurship ISL522-Auditing in Modern Enterprises
ISL513-Innovation Management Techniques ISL523-Financial Statement Analysis
1st Semester ISL524-Business Analytics ISL534-Theories of Management and Contemporary Leadership
ISL525-Decision Processes and Analysis ISL535-Behavior Analysis in Organizations
ISL526-Management Information Systems ISL536-Strategic Management and Business Policies
ISL527-Problem Solving Techniques ISL537-Management of SMEs and Family Businesses
ISL528-Artificial Intelligence Management and Applications in Businesses ISL538-Strategic Human Resource Management
2nd Semester ISL529-Statistical Analysis and Business Applications ISL539-Organizational Development
ISL530-Scenario Planning ISL540-Negotiation Management Process
ISL531-System Thinking and Business Dynamics ISL541-Case Study Applications in Businesses
ISL532-Big Data Analytics and Management ISL542-Turkish Management Culture
ISL533-Applied Business Simulation ISL543-Business Intelligence and Talent Management
Birinci Dönem ISL524-İşletme Analitiği ISL534-Yönetim Kuramları ve Çağdaş Liderlik
ISL525-Karar Süreçleri ve Analizi ISL535-Örgütlerde Davranış Analizi
ISL526-Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri ISL536-Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikaları
ISL527-Problem Çözme Teknikleri ISL537-KOBİ ve Aile Şirketlerinin Yönetimi
ISL528-İşletmelerde Yapay Zeka Yönetimi ve Uygulamaları ISL538-Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi
İkinci Dönem ISL529-İstatistiksel Analiz ve İşletme Uygulamaları ISL539-Örgüt Geliştirme
ISL530-Senaryo Planlama ISL540-Müzakere Yönetim Süreci
ISL531-Sistem Düşüncesi ve İşletme Dinamikleri ISL541-İşletmelerde Vaka Analizi Uyg.
ISL532-Büyük Veri Analizi ve Yönetimi ISL542-Türk Yönetim Kültürü
ISL533-Uygulamalı İşletme Simülasyonu ISL543-İş Zekası ve Yetenek Yönetimi

ISL 504 Fundamentals and Applied Entrepreneurship (3+0)3, 7.5

The objective of this course is to teach students the philosophy of entrepreneurship, equip them with the most up-to-date information in the literature regarding entrepreneurial practices, and help them develop a foundational approach to entrepreneurship. The course covers topics such as the role of entrepreneurship in the economy, the personality of entrepreneurs, identifying and evaluating business opportunities, entrepreneurship strategies, innovation, writing business plans, and financing entrepreneurship. The primary goal is to ensure that students internalize the key success factors on the path to becoming entrepreneurs and support their aspirations to become entrepreneurs.

ISL 505 Contemporary Marketing (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to teach the fundamental concepts and theories necessary for decision-making in the field of marketing. Topics covered comprehensively in this course include resource allocation, market entry/exit decisions, marketing mix strategies (product, price, distribution, promotion), environmental conditions of marketing, and competition analysis.

ISL 506 Technology and Innovation Management (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of the course is to provide foundational knowledge to comprehend the transformations brought by technology and to manage technological changes. It aims to provide students with both conceptual and practical knowledge at a level where they can understand organizational technology and innovation strategies and designs, analyze the impacts of technological innovations on company strategies, and develop new strategies. Topics covered include creating measurable added value through innovation for long-term sustainable competitive advantage in businesses, organizational structures, and management approaches required for the innovation process, product, process, and business model innovation, determining new opportunity areas, and using business model innovation in change management. Additionally, the course delves into the importance, contributions, and history of technology and innovation management, the resources of technology and innovation, and examines features of innovative organizations. Strategies for organizational technology and innovation, reasons for success and failure, critical success factors, and techniques used in R&D and innovation planning are also taught. Furthermore, the course addresses increasing corporate performance through technology and R&D, current and future technologies, future cities, technoparks, technology centers, nanotechnology, and cyberspace. The course aims to enable students to interpret the technical, social, and administrative dimensions of technology and innovation management with a scientific, holistic, interdisciplinary, and systematic perspective.

ISL 507 Developing Technological Competence in Organizations (3+0)3, 7.5

The primary objective of this course is to help students identify the fundamental individual and organizational competencies required in the digital age, teach strategic workforce planning methods for talent transformation, and guide the creation of talent transformation programs. It also aims to provide knowledge about new-generation work models and culture, teach the steps for harmonizing technological competence acquisition with organizational strategies, and help students design a business strategy or project for organizational talent transformation.

ISL 508 Contemporary Production Systems and Management (3+0)3, 7.5

This course aims to provide knowledge about production systems and management in manufacturing enterprises and help students internalize applications of computer-integrated production systems within the framework of future production systems. It offers information about production systems used in modern businesses and those forming the foundation for future systems. Topics include the design of contemporary production systems and techniques such as casting, joining (welding, riveting, soldering, adhesive bonding), plastic deformation in metals (extrusion, rolling, wire drawing, etc.), machining (turning, milling, drilling, boring, reaming, etc.), powder metallurgy, unconventional manufacturing (electrical discharge machining, ultrasonic machining, water jet cutting, etc.), and computer-integrated production methods.

ISL 509 Project Management (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to teach students the logic and philosophy of project management and enable them to become project managers who can plan and execute a project from start to finish. The course covers fundamental concepts and logic of project management, processes and functions of project management, and essential issues in project management knowledge areas. It provides practical knowledge using a project management methodology, focusing on project integration management, scope management, time management, cost management, human resource management, risk management, procurement management, stakeholder management, and tools and techniques used in projects.

ISL 510 Brand Creation (3+0)3, 7.5

This course aims to teach students the fundamental principles of brand creation and provide them with the knowledge to seamlessly manage the brand creation process in their organizations by leveraging theoretical knowledge. Topics include the concept, development, and nature of brands, brand image and its impact on sales, strategy-brand and brand-positioning relationships, and product/service positioning techniques. Strategic branding processes also cover issues like culture, language, communication, perception, and crisis management.

ISL 511 Modern Supply Chain Management (3+0)3, 7.5

This course aims to teach supply chain management as a managerial process and its components' roles in achieving success in global competition. The course covers fundamental principles of supply chain management, the strategic importance of supply chains, process coordination within supply chains, and performance metrics of supply chains.

ISL 512 Sustainable Entrepreneurship (3+0)3, 7.5

The main goal of this course is to ensure that students' entrepreneurial ideas align with 21st-century realities, foster awareness of running all business processes in harmony with nature, and integrate the 17 fundamental approaches determined by the UN into all processes. The course also covers sustainable practices in supply chain management and their strategic importance.

ISL 513 Innovation Management Techniques (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to raise awareness among students about innovation management techniques used across industries and provide a foundation for selecting appropriate techniques when needed. Besides conceptual topics, the course includes practical applications and examples of innovation types and techniques used in manufacturing and service industries.

ISL 514 International Accounting Standards (3+0)3, 7.5

The course aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills regarding international accounting standards, their purpose, development, and application. It includes an introduction to and importance of international accounting standards, their development process, and discussions on financial and accounting practices based on these standards.

ISL 515 Cost Accounting and Modern Cost Systems (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to provide students with application-based knowledge on modern cost systems, examine the traditional and modern cost systems used in production and service businesses, highlight the similarities and differences between them, and discuss the importance of outputs obtained from cost systems in decision-making in today's competitive environment through case studies. Topics covered include: The Concept of Cost and the General Framework of Costing Systems, Job Order Costing System, Process Costing System, Joint Production Costing, Actual Costing System, Estimated (Normal) Costing System, Standard Costing System, Full Costing System, Variable Costing System, Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis (Break-even Analysis), Activity-Based Costing, Target Costing, Just-in-Time Production System, Kaizen Costing, Post-Costing or Backward Costing, Total Life Cycle Costing, and Case Studies.

ISL 516 Capital Markets and Money and Banking (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to discuss the concepts, theoretical framework, and policies of monetary and banking theory with examples from the Turkish economy. The role and impact of money and banking in the economy will be discussed both theoretically and practically. Topics include: money supply and the Central Bank of Turkey balance sheet, money demand theory and portfolio theories, the relationship between money and interest rates, money, exchange rates, and balance of payments relations, money and inflation: inflation theory and the costs of inflation, objectives, instruments, and goals of monetary policy; management of monetary policy, disinflation and stability policies: monetary targeting, exchange rate targeting, and inflation targeting, the independence of the Central Bank, banking theory, the structure and issues of the banking sector, risk management in banking, financial crises, the 2008 Global Crisis and the pandemic crisis, and the regulation of the banking sector.

ISL 517 Behavioral Finance (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to present the basic concepts and theories of behavioral economics, a developing field, and to help students understand the impact of behavior on the economic and financial fields. In contrast to the Classical Economic view that emphasizes rationality, Behavioral Economics focuses on individuals' irrational decisions, which have become more apparent with the increasing interaction between psychology and economics. According to behavioral economics, it is unlikely that individuals can think continuously in terms of utility, separate logic from emotions, consider all risks, and maintain consistency. Human actions are greatly influenced by the actions and emotions of others in society. Thus, we witness behavior far removed from rationality. Predicting these irrational behaviors is a key area of Behavioral Economics. In short, Behavioral Economics attempts to model the causes and consequences of irrational human behaviors, including their sociological and psychological elements. For a more efficient and productive economic system, it has become essential to understand the nature of humans, who are the main decision-makers in business creation and resource allocation, and the underlying causes of their irrational decisions. Topics covered include the History of Behavioral Economics, the Background of Behavioral Economics, Simple Heuristic Analysis for Complex Decisions, Decision-Making Under Risk, Activation, Interaction and Social Preferences, and Game Theory.

ISL 518 Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (3+0)3, 7.5

This course aims to raise awareness about Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, which are significant digital developments of today, and provide students with information about their basic usage, purposes, legal infrastructure, and benefits/harms. Topics covered include: an introduction to cryptocurrencies and blockchain, historical foundations, smart contracts and their applications, the relationship between money systems and blockchain, application areas, the role and impact of blockchain technology in accounting systems, the relationship between blockchain and law, and the opportunities provided by blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies.

ISL 519 Investment Projects and Analysis (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of the Investment Projects and Analysis course is to develop students' skills in preparing and evaluating investment projects. Topics covered include: the concept of investment and projects, the role and importance of investments in the economy, the stages of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, market analysis, technical analysis, financial analysis, and the evaluation of risky investment projects. Specific topics include: Conceptual Foundations of Investment Projects, Investment-Plan-Project-Investment Project, Project Idea, Pre-Feasibility, Feasibility (Feasibility) Analysis Stages, Market Analysis, Technical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Commercial Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Social Profitability, and National Economic Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, discussed with practical examples.

ISL 520 Industrial Economics (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to develop students' analytical skills on industrial organizations using microeconomic concepts and tools. Topics include: microeconomic concepts, firm theory and costs, perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly market structures, information and advertising, non-linear pricing, international trade, and industrial organization, as well as regulation and deregulation issues in Turkey, including anti-trust matters.

ISL 521 Insurance and Risk Management (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to inform students about basic insurance and risk management topics encountered in business life and to provide fundamental knowledge and awareness. The course will cover topics such as Terminology and Definition of Risk, Risk Management, Insurance and its Fundamentals, the Development of Insurance in the World and Turkey, the Function and Basic Concepts of Insurance, Insurance Contracts, Pricing in Insurance Companies, Claims Management in Insurance, Reinsurance, Insurance Branches and Professions, Insurance Losses, Personal Insurance Companies, Insurance Regulations, Insurance Agreements, Types of Insurance, Property and Liability Insurance, Comprehensive and Traffic Insurance, Health Insurance, and the Individual Retirement System, Life Insurance, Policies and Planning, as well as Mathematics and Retirement Pensions. Additionally, the course will include Statistical Distributions, Utility Theory, Optimal Insurance, Individual and Collective Risk Models, and Risk Theory Applications.

ISL 522 Auditing in Modern Enterprises (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to teach students the differences between auditing and accounting, as well as the basic elements and principles of auditing. The course will cover topics such as the auditing profession and standards, types of auditors, professional ethics and moral values, and the preparation of audit reports related to financial statements. The course will also address the Basic Auditing Concept, Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, Auditing Planning, Internal Control System Work Reports, Auditing Practices, Auditing of Monetary Assets, Receivables, Stock and Cost of Goods Sold, Tangible Assets, Liabilities, Shareholders' Equity, the Impact of Inflation on Financial Statements, and the Preparation of Audit Reports.

ISL 523 Financial Statement Analysis (3+0)3, 7.5

Today, the success of companies is largely dependent on the success of their financial decisions. Achieving success in financial decisions in the global competitive environment requires knowledge and analysis of numerous macro, meso, and micro factors that affect these decisions. The goal of this course is to equip company managers and management candidates with the skills needed to analyze fundamental financial accounting and financial statement analysis in highly competitive markets with high risks and rapid changes. The course will also aim to provide students with the knowledge and abilities to evaluate companies' basic financial indicators through financial statements. Topics will include the Definition and General Features of Financial Statements, Limitations on the Use of Financial Statements, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Preparation, Content, and Analysis of Basic Financial Statements, Preparation, Content, and Analysis of Other Financial Statements, Horizontal and Vertical Analysis, Ratio Analysis, Financial Statement Analysis (Comparative Statements, Percent Method, and Trend Percentages), the Effects of Inflation on Financial Statements, Inflation Accounting, and real-life examples of financial statements.

ISL 524 Business Analytics (3+0)3, 7.5

Business analytics is a discipline that creates value by transforming high-dimensional data into knowledge, helping businesses uncover all their potential, providing added value through the production of higher-quality services and products, improving organizational performance indicators such as efficiency, profitability, productivity, and sustainability, and providing competitive advantage over rivals. It ensures that organizations make fast and accurate decisions, offering foresight and solutions. This course aims to help students develop the analytical and information management skills required in today's world, and to produce solutions by combining social, technical, and theoretical applications for real business problems. Topics will include Database Queries and Analysis, Performance Measurements, Reporting Techniques, Data Visualization, Statistical Methods, Spreadsheets, Scenario ("What-if") Analysis, Simulation, Forecasting and Forecast Models, Data and Text Mining, Optimization, Social Media, Web and Text Analysis, supported by practical applications.

ISL 525 Decision Processes and Analysis (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to teach students the methods that will help decision-makers in businesses make correct and fast decisions, and to enable them to acquire the skills to apply the appropriate methods for making correct decisions in professional life. The course will introduce decision analysis and discuss decision-making models. After examining the Decision-Making Process and its characteristics, the course will review the basic literature on decision science. The psychological aspect of decision-making will also be studied, followed by a discussion of decision-making errors. Classification of decision models, decision-making under risk, and decision criteria will be reviewed, and applications will be made with examples using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Following basic reviews of multi-criteria decision-making methods, applications will be carried out using SMART, ELECTRE, and TOPSIS methods, and the Delphi method will be applied in group decision-making.

ISL 526 Management Information Systems (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to help students understand Management Information Systems (MIS) and how decisions made within MIS are linked to strategic business priorities. The course also aims to provide students with the ability to develop a functional perspective on MIS systems, enabling them to design system development processes, make healthy decisions during the procurement stage, and understand the impact of MIS systems on operations, marketing, finance, accounting, and human resources. Topics will include basic terminology in MIS, collaborative information systems, strategy and information systems, hardware-software and mobile systems, database processes, data communication and cloud, operations-organizations and information systems, social media and information systems, business intelligence systems, development processes, MIS management, and case studies.

ISL 527 Problem Solving Techniques (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to provide students with a toolkit of methods that can be used to solve problems they may encounter in the business world. The course will teach both basic and advanced problem-solving techniques through practical applications. Basic Problem Solving Techniques include SIPOC/Process Mapping/Flow Charts, Data Collection, 5 Whys Analysis, Brainstorming, Affinity Diagram, Cause-and-Effect Diagram (Fishbone Diagram), Pareto Analysis, Histogram, Control Charts, and Scatter Diagrams. Advanced Problem Solving Techniques will cover Lean Production, Waste and Value Analysis, Six Sigma Metrics, Composite Productivity, ROI, Kano Model, QFD, VSM, VOC, Prioritization Matrix, Basic Statistics, Distributions, Normality Tests, Sample Size Determination, Graphical Analysis, Process Measurement, Process Capability, Control Technology Chart, MSA, Process FMEA, Hypothesis Testing, Regression/Correlation, Experimental Design, Advanced Experimental Design, Benchmarking, Poka Yoke, KAIZEN, 5S, SPC (I-MR, Xbar-R, Xbar-S), SPC (P, U) Control Plans, and Standardization methods.

ISL 528 Artificial Intelligence Management and Applications in Businesses (3+0)3, 7.5

This course covers Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Characteristics of Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems (ES), Examples of Intelligent Systems Created Using Expert Systems in Businesses, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN - Backpropagation Algorithm) and Neural Network Program Demonstration, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Structure of Artificial Neural Networks, Intelligent Systems Created Using ANN in Businesses, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Logic Control Systems, Fuzzy Logic Control Applications, Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Algorithm Concepts, and Genetic Algorithm Applications. The main goal of the course is to explore the changes that artificial intelligence forms will create in businesses and to provide students with the necessary managerial preparation to manage these systems.

ISL 529 Statistical Analysis and Business Applications (3+0)3, 7.5

The main goal of this course is to teach the fundamentals of applying a package program in the scientific problem definition, research process design, and solution phases. Another aim is to establish the knowledge infrastructure needed to conduct statistical data analysis using package programs such as SPSS, helping participants work efficiently in both business and scientific research. Topics covered will include Scientific Research Process, Hypothesis and Variables, Defining Problems and Information, Population and Sampling Methods, Survey Design and Implementation, Introduction to Package Programs, Coding, Data Entry, and Example Applications, Non-Parametric Tests (Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney U, etc.) and Package Program Applications, Reliability and Validity Analysis, Factor Analysis and Package Program Applications, Report Writing and Research Project Writing.

ISL 530 Scenario Planning (3+0)3, 7.5

Scenario planning involves answering key questions about how scenarios are created and how planning is conducted to address future uncertainties. It is an important management and systems process used to manage uncertainties and improve strategic planning. This course will examine the scenario planning process, its characteristics, and techniques. Topics covered will include Strategic Forecasting, Environmental Scanning, Research, Interviews, Surveys, Forecasting, Causal Layered Analysis, Critical Thinking, Creativity Approaches and Tools, Scenario Theory, and Scenario Methods, all taught through practical applications.

ISL 531 Systems Thinking and Business Dynamics (3+0)3, 7.5

The Business Dynamics course is designed to enhance the ability to think about new system designs for an organization or large complex system. The course will help students define business dynamics using Systems Dynamics tools and view business functions as a whole. Students will also develop additional capabilities in analyzing business performance models and use ITHINK modeling software to explore different strategic decision policies. Teams of students will analyze a business, create new decision policies, and organizational structures aimed at achieving desired business performance.

ISL 532 Big Data Analysis and Management (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to introduce students to data science and data analysis through statistical learning methods. Classical statistical methods will be combined with methods from computational and machine learning, incorporating the latest developments in computer science. Students will gain experience in using data analysis methods on example datasets. Topics covered will include Data Science and Big Data Analysis, Relational Databases and Data Modeling, Data Warehousing and Integration, Parallel Databases, Hadoop/MapReduce/Spark, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Classification and Regression, Clustering, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, and Network Analysis.

ISL 533 Applied Business Simulation (3+0)3, 7.5

This course is designed based on a business simulation platform, where students individually make business decisions and discuss them within group work. The aim of the course is to introduce students to business activities in a simulation program. Using the SimCompanies platform, students will establish, develop, and evaluate companies in areas they choose, and their decisions will be discussed throughout the course.

ISL 534 Management Theories and Contemporary Leadership (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to examine the theoretical foundations of management and organization theories developed since the industrial revolution and contemporary leadership theories, providing students with the necessary infrastructure to solve problems they will encounter in their future careers. This course integrates forty prominent management and organization theories with modern leadership theories, enabling students to apply the theoretical knowledge they gain to problem-solving and in their professional lives.

ISL 535 Organizational Behavior Analysis (3+0)3, 7.5

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and perspective required to understand, explain, and manage human behavior in organizations and the factors influencing it. After briefly covering basic organizational behavior topics such as personality, communication, leadership, motivation, and conflict, current organizational behavior topics are discussed. The course also addresses issues like job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover, organizational citizenship, and workplace bullying, reinforced through case studies from the business world.

ISL 536 Strategic Management and Business Policies (3+0)3, 7.5

The goal of this course is to enable students to acquire the behavior and skills necessary to determine, implement, and evaluate strategic decisions that will lead the business to its objectives. Additionally, the course aims to improve students' understanding of strategic management, a crucial tool for businesses to maintain or enhance their competitive structure. Topics include the development of strategic management thought and theory, strategic awareness, strategic management schools and approaches, key concepts in strategic management, external and internal environment analysis, strategy formulation, competitive strategies, functional strategies, strategy implementation, and strategic control.

ISL 537 SME and Family Business Management (3+0)3, 7.5

More than 90% of businesses in Turkey are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Many people entering the business world either start their own businesses or are employed in SMEs and family businesses. The aim of this course is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for managing newly established businesses, family businesses, and SMEs. The course will discuss the strategies needed to start and develop a business, and examine potential problem areas. Case studies will be used to illustrate the challenges encountered in the management of family businesses and SMEs.

ISL 538 Strategic Human Resources Management (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to provide students with a perspective on Human Resources Management (HRM) models and functions and to introduce them to strategic human resources management (SHRM). Topics include the historical development of HRM, its importance and position in organizations, job analysis, staffing, recruitment and placement, employee development, performance evaluation, career development, and compensation management. The course also covers contemporary HRM topics such as competency-based HRM, comparative and international HRM, talent management, and succession planning, with practical examples and a focus on the Turkish context.

ISL 539 Organizational Development (3+0)3, 7.5

Organizations experience a constant need for change throughout their life cycle, and are forced to change by their environment. The aim of this course is to raise awareness among students about this necessity, help them identify areas where resistance to change occurs, and provide them with problem-solving techniques. The course covers methods for assessing an organization's current situation, defining organizational development interventions and consulting processes, and applying organizational development as a socio-technical process. Topics include the definition, assumptions, value, and importance of organizational development, the consultant-organization relationship, methods and management of the organizational development process, group methods, intergroup relations, organizational structure, organizational culture, organizational transformation, challenges faced in organizational development and transformation, and the political aspects of organizational development.

ISL 540 Negotiation Management Process (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to teach students the skills needed for persuasion, influence, bargaining, debating, and reaching agreements in both their personal and professional lives. Topics include the definition of negotiation, cooperation and competition, distributive and integrative bargaining strategies and tactics, planning for negotiation, causes and solutions for negotiation breakdowns, communication processes, the process of persuasion, the social structure of negotiation, individual differences, power dynamics in negotiation, negotiation interventions, negotiation ethics, and international negotiations. The practical part of the course involves scenario-based applications to help students develop their negotiation management skills.

ISL 541 Business Case Analysis Applications (3+0)3, 7.5 

The purpose of this course is to examine how the knowledge acquired in all other courses applies to real-world case studies through group work. It enables students to develop their knowledge and skills across all business functions. The course includes case analysis, where students apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, enhancing their analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The course will define case analysis, determine the scope of case studies, discuss the benefits of case analysis, and then identify cases and the issues within them. After presenting the problem, students will define the objectives and analyze the data and critical issues. The course will conclude with case studies examined through team work.

ISL 542 Turkish Management Culture (3+0)3, 7.5

This course will discuss the effects of the interaction between culture and management on business life. The aim of the course is to teach students the fundamentals of Turkish Management and Business Culture, particularly for those who will work in the Turkish job market. In this context, the reflections of national culture on business culture will be examined. The course will briefly introduce Anglo-Saxon, East Asian, and Far Eastern business cultures, and the topic of Turkish Business and Management Culture will be analyzed in depth with detailed analyses and texts, in line with the development of the Turkish job market.

ISL 543 Business Intelligence and Talent Management (3+0)3, 7.5

The aim of this course is to inform students about the latest global developments related to big data and business intelligence applications in businesses, as well as to equip them with the necessary analytical skills and abilities. The course will help students acquire big data analytic skills, including analyzing complex data sets, working with popular data toolsets, using dashboards and data visualization tools to present reports, all of which are essential for making quick and accurate decisions in a competitive business environment. The course will elevate students’ knowledge of big data and business intelligence applications, providing them with a new and innovative perspective. Additionally, students will stay informed about global developments in business intelligence. Topics covered in the course include: the concept of big data, the transition from traditional data analysis to modern data analytics, moving from spreadsheet applications to database concepts, database applications with Excel 2016, data transfer and form analysis, pivot table analysis with Excel, data analysis with Excel Powerpivot, advanced applications with Excel Powerpivot, SQL applications and data analysis in Excel, Power BI, Power Query tools, DAX operators and applications, data analysis with Power Query in Excel, Power Map applications in Excel, Analysis Toolpak applications in Excel, introduction to HD Insight, big data analysis with HD Insight, and big data analysis and applications with Windows Azure.